So, what are you up to this weekend? We are still redoing the last in our kitchen, in other words we´re hoping for the weather to be great to be outdoors a lot...This weekend is rather full and I am squeezing in a girls veranda dinner at our local Italian (can´t go wrong), lunch in friend's garden with kids running around, go to a dinner party with the husband, attend a baptism ceremony with lunch (my husband is the god father) and then finally on Sunday evening hit the sofa with a rom com movie and Häagen dazs ice cream...Love to hear your plans!
Enjoy your weekend!
{All images via Pinterest from 1 bhg.com 2 shelterness.com 3 witanddelight.tumblr.com 4 notetosarah.tumblr.com 5-6 reasonstobreathe.tumblr.com 7 livinganddreams.blogspot.com 8 veranda.com 9 theenchantedhome.blogspot.com}