Mar 6, 2013

Life taught me...about comparing

This must be one of the worlds most common "mistakes", constantly comparing ourselves with other people, directly affecting our happiness. This isn´t exactly helped by Facebook, blogs and other social media being so accessible and making it easy to fall into the comparing. Are you aware of if you do it? I wasn´t aware at all some years ago. It not only hit me that I did compare myself (most people do it more or less), at work for example. I also wasn´t aware of that I compared myself, me being one single person, to many persons actions and achievements and putting them together, comparing myself with. You can imagine it´s totally impossible to keep up. Today I can laugh at this and know when to stop myself from comparing. Such a relief. Life also taught me that what looks great on the outside could be turbulent on the inside, even in lives that seems fabulous and perfect on paper. Every person has their own stuff to deal with. "Most of us have areas of insecurity in our lives. We look at people around us and they seem to function so well, be so confident. However, we only see other people's behaviour and rarely have access to their internal workings. This means you end up comparing your inside, with all your feelings and fear, to other people's exterior, says Miriam Chachamu, author of "How to calm a challenging child" to Red Magazine. What about you? We all love to hear you thoughts!

Let´s use the happiness formula instead. Stop comparing yourself and be the star in your own life!

(Image from Pinterest via Google edited by IOB)