A big online source for successful business thinking is Steve Pavlina, offering "personal development for smart people". Steve Pavlina recently wrote some inspirational thoughts about the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to gain more growth and getting further in life, rather than staying put. This is just a little reminder that we can all use to challenge ourselves, question ourselves and step out of our comfort zone to get further in life. I sure know I need it from time to time.
"Stepping outside of your comfort zone is by definition an uncomfortable experience, but it can yield a lot more growth than staying put. At a recent visit to the beautiful Keukenhof flower gardens in Holland, I learned about the practice of topping. As flowers grow, sometimes the growers cut off the tops of the flowers, which they believe causes the plants to invest more energy into flower growth and less into seed production. The expected result is flower buds that will produce higher quality flowers.
This is a nice analogy for personal growth as well. Sometimes when we produce preliminary results in a certain area, it can be helpful to cut them off and discard them. This can free up energy for a stronger attempt elsewhere instead of settling into the comfort zone of satisfaction with the old results. Do you want to settle where you are right now? If so, then topping is unnecessary. But if you’d like to do better and believe you have a good shot at improvement, just like the flower growers at Keukenhof, then topping is a sensible practice. To free up time and energy for future growth in new directions, you have to drop the merely satisfactory. This gives you a shot at the truly beautiful."
Read the whole article here
[Image via Pinterest further source unknown]